
Exclusion Information for Parents & Carers

There are a range of services available that can provide you with advice and information on the prevention of school exclusion and what happens if a fixed-period or permanent exclusion is issued.

A Graduated Response – Preventing Exclusion document has been developed by the Sutton Local Area which details aims and principles, as well as a range of interventions and support available, which may be used in the prevention of exclusion, and to provide early help and support.

If your child has received an exclusion A Guide To Permanent Exclusions booklet provides you with useful information about what happens next.

If you would like to discuss the Graduated Response and inclusion, or require information and advice about school exclusion, please contact the Cognus Inclusion Coordinator.

Cognus Inclusion Coordinator:
Provides information, advice and guidance on behalf of the London Borough of Sutton on the prevention of exclusion, and will make the necessary arrangements, in partnership with the Limes College, to offer suitable education from the 6th day of permanent exclusion.

Contact Details:
Direct Number:  07508 984925

Information, Advice and Guidance:

Coram Children’s Legal Centre:
An independent national advice centre that offers information and support on education, including exclusion from school.
Website: Coram Legal Centre

ACE Education:
Provides independent advice and information for parents and carers on state education in England.
Website: Ace Education

Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA)
IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities.
Website: IPSEA