EHE process

Cognus recognises that home education is a key aspect of parental choice. EHE is equal, in law, to education provided in school. Our processes are designed to be supportive and non-intrusive whilst enabling Cognus to carry out is statutory duties.

 Registering EHE

 When a notification is received that a child(ren) are have chosen EHE, Cognus will record the notification on our EHE register.  Cognus keeps a record of children resident in the London Borough of Sutton to show where they are being educated, whether at school or otherwise.

Contact from the Inclusion Coordinator

Once registered, our Inclusion Coordinator will make initial contact with parents, usually in writing, to offer advice and guidance, and to explain what support can be provided. They will also explain more about their role and what parents can expect from the service.

The Inclusion Coordinator will also make enquiries to understand how education will be provided and set up, and to provide advice to get you started.

We may offer an initial home visit as an option (some parents new to EHE find this useful)

EHE information pack

We will then write a letter to parents outlining the LA’s procedures, together with an EHE information pack.

Start of EHE

Parents start EHE on the day they have specified in their notification letter.

Ongoing support from Cognus

Throughout the EHE period, we will continue to:

  • Signpost to EHE support and resources
  • Offer advice, guidance and signposting to other support available i.e. Early Help, SEND, SIASS, other Cognus services
  • Provide advice on other processes and procedures if parents wish to cease the EHE arrangement or if the education is unsuitable.

Annual visit

At least once a year, an Inclusion coordinator will make contact with each home educating family, and offer a visit and/or ask for a education booklet to be completed. The visit can take place either at your home, a suitable venue such as a local library or community centre, or virtually.

The visit is to offer advice and guidance on education, teaching and learning and to ensure that the education being provided is suitable. We also provide parents with a written report of the visit or feedback on the education booklet provided.

 If we have concerns 

If we are concerned that the education being provided at home is not suitable for the child, we may contact parents offering a visit and asking for details on how they are educating their child(ren). We want to support parents with this process and work together to ensure that the education being provided is suitable.

If we are not satisfied with the suitability of the education, we will work with families to support improvement. However, we may inform parents that their child’s case is being referred to a local Attendance Service.

The service could decide to issue a formal warning notice to parents under the Education Act 1996 which could lead to a School Attendance Order being issued. This means that your child will be required to enter into education with a school or setting identified by the Local Authority.