
Useful Documents and Videos

More information on school exclusion can be found in the Department for Education (DfE) guidance. Behaviour in schools: Advice for headteachers and school staff (link to document) This publication provides advice to schools on behaviour in schools and the related legal duties of headteachers, and members of staff. It includes guidance on support for pupils to behave […]

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Please click on the links below to download the forms. If you have any questions about completing the forms, please email ep.service@cognus.org.uk School request for Educational Psychology involvement 2023-2024  COGNUS 2023-2024 Order Form

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Educational Psychology – for Parents and Carers

Educational psychology is the practice of applying psychological theories and ideas to the difficulties that can arise for pupils, teachers, families and schools. Educational Psychologists (EPs) apply psychology in their work.  They work with families, schools, and young people.  They support young people’s learning, development, and emotional wellbeing from age 0-25. EPs have in-depth knowledge, […]

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Families Educational Psychology Parent/Carer Information Sheet EBSA guidance for parents/carers Guide for Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Trauma and Executive Function Series A series of videos aimed at foster carers, parents and school staff supporting children and young people who may have had adverse experiences in their early life. Professionals EBSA guidance for schools in […]

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Supporting the emotional wellbeing of refugee students in schools

Aimee Rolls, Trainee Educational Psychologist, Cognus Educational Psychology Service & UCL’s IOE The session focuses on how school staff can support the emotional wellbeing of children with a refugee background using a psychosocial approach, looking at how we can: The training provides a space for reflection for staff to focus on these areas and how […]

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