SaLTA supports core vocabulary communication boards in school playgrounds.

Maria Fitzgerald (Speech and Language Therapy Senior Assistant, SaLTA) supports core vocabulary communication boards in school playgrounds.

Maria Fitzgerald (SaLTA) worked with staff at Foresters Primary School to purchase Large Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Core vocabulary boards for each playground area within ‘The Opportunity Base’ and early years. This approach supports children and young people to communicate through the use of visuals, whether it’s to request or comment. It also supports understanding of spoken language, where the communication partner can use the core vocabulary board to point to visuals.

School staff are continuing training to model language visually. The core vocabulary boards around the school are having a positive impact on children’s communication i.e. one child could effectively ask his peer for items during a game and be understood. Another child was able to recognise when it was her turn, and then was able to request a turn.

The core vocabulary boards are made up of the most frequently used ‘core words’ in everyday talking and activities.

The combinations are endlessly supporting language development visually to express feelings, requests, taking turns and social skills.

Adults point to the board when speaking to model the words needed for different communications. i.e. open please, my turn, I see..

If you would like more information or support about the use of core vocabulary boards, please contact Cognus Therapies.