Success Stories

Welcome to Sutton Virtual School’s Success Stories! We understand that for some of our young people, identifying a career to progress towards can be difficult – especially as there are so many choices! We will regularly update this page, with a range of resources to support you in your decisions, including aspirational careers videos and profiles, from individuals sharing their education and career journeys. If you would like further information about any of the careers or educational pathways that you have viewed, please feel free to contact your Case Manager – who will be more than happy to help.

Also check out Solent University’s career videos, offering personal accounts from a range of professionals:

Aspirational Profiles 

Natalie’s story

Sutton Virtual School collaborated with  Natalie, a Sutton care leaver, to create a podcast episode which provides an insight into the circumstances that led to her becoming not in education, employment or training – a situation that a disproportionate amount of young people looked after find themselves. Natalie shares the impact of Sutton services, which empowered her to reengage with education and work, as she progresses towards higher education.  Listen to Natalie’s journey here (choose Part 1- Supporting Children and Young People Not In Education, Employment and Training).