
You said: Secondary DSL meetings are too short if visitors are invited along to share information.

We did: In the summer term, we asked for feedback from schools regarding the future delivery of meetings. 92% of Secondary DSLs wanted to keep the structure the same. Going forward, we will add some time on to the meetings for those that wish to stay and discuss things further.

You said: More needed around conflict resolution.

We did: Training is available from the Local Authority on restorative practice and conflict resolution for DSLs. Please see L&D virtual programme Sept 2020-March 2021

You said: It would be useful if the agenda for DSL meetings could be sent out beforehand, so we can opt out of part of it if necessary.

We did: At the end of each meeting DSLs are asked for suggestions of what they would like included in future meetings. Agendas will now be sent out prior to each meeting.

You said: Supervision is something which would be helpful.

We did: There is now a pilot group supervision offer in place for Sutton DSLs and details have been sent out.  Alternatively, if you would like individual, adhoc supervision sessions, please contact Hayley Cameron, Education Safeguarding Manager.

Time for schools to share information/issues they have and perhaps present case studies to be incorporated into DSL meetings.

This will be incorporated into future DSL training sessions.

You said: More information on gender issues and trans related safeguarding issues (hate abuse). 

We did: As a borough, we are working closely with Stop Hate UK and bespoke training can be provided for individual schools dependent on level of need. Stop Hate UK information posters have recently been distributed via the DSL network. Staff in schools have also been invited to attend webinars where more information has been shared. The LSCP are keen for schools to contact them with regards to their training offer. Contact Camilla Webster for more information.

You said: More training related to trauma.

We did: Regular trauma training is available and information was recently shared with Headteachers and DSLs around the Universal Offer.  Please also see L&D virtual programme Sept 2020-March 2021

You said: More training related to gangs and knife crime with children of all ages, including the younger children.

We did: We have been working with a group called Unique Talent, Challenge for Change. Please email for more information.

Some work has already been carried out in schools, including workshops for staff, children and parents. Please also see L&D virtual programme Sept 2020-March 2021

You said: More training related to CSE/CME/CCE/Contextual Safeguarding.

We did: Regular training is available via the LSCP website. Camilla will be coming to discuss this further at the next DSL meetings for both primary and secondary.

Hayley is currently undertaking training to become a Contextual Safeguarding Champion for Sutton. More training will become available once this has taken place.  Please also see L&D virtual programme Sept 2020-March 2021

You said: More use needs to be made of the expertise within the DSL network (e.g. Limes – drugs and the dark web. This was really helpful).

We did: Please inform a member of the Education Safeguarding Team if there is something that you would like to share at the next DSL refresher meeting.

You said: The agenda for DSL meetings should be more strategically planned to ensure topics are covered at least once a year or on a cycle.

We did: This is something that will be considered in the meetings for 2020-2021.

You said: More dates for managing allegations against staff as I couldn’t attend the last one. 

We did: All dates are available here:

You said: Reminders should be sent when evaluations need to be completed in order to get the training certificate.

We did: You will be emailed a reminder to complete an evaluation after your training session.

You said: We need more information about the DSL role at CP Conferences.

We did: This has been incorporated into the DSL training for 2020-2021. As schools are expected to attend all conferences and to also provide a report beforehand that will be shared with multi-agency partners and parents prior to the meeting.