Cognus Therapies trains 59 members of school staff across 28 schools in Sutton, by delivering 7 training sessions across the summer term 2023.

Jo Wells (SaLT), Amber Burnett (OT) and Howard Hutchins (OT) successfully delivered the first SEND Champion Training to 59 member of school staff across the Sutton Local Authority. This training was hosted by Cognus Therapies and ran from 26 April to 12 July 2023.
The purpose of the training is to empower staff to carry out universal strategies with children and young people in their education settings, and to build staff confidence to identify and support the needs of children and young people. The training covered the following topics:
- Listening and understanding language
- Using language, vocabulary and speech
- Building conversations skills and social interactions
- Enabling success in class-based activities
- Enabling participation in PE, on the playground and accessing the school environment
- Supporting children to self-regulate and engage in learning
- Building independence skills
- Social emotional and mental health needs
We received valuable feedback, comments included:
- “Thank you very much. Some great information and skills to implement”.
- “Really informative. I have been sharing with other TA’s.”
- “Really helpful thank you.”
- “Very informative and will share with colleagues.”
A huge thank you to the education staff that attended these sessions to develop their knowledge and skills in supporting children and young people in education.
We will be rolling out further SEND champion training in the autumn and summer terms 2023-2024 to more education settings and providing a training for parents, carers and families. We look forward to being able to provide further advice and support, helping more staff to feel confident and better equipped to meet the speech, language and communication and occupational therapy needs of children and young people within their education settings.
Find out more about the work the Cognus Therapies team do here