Children with SEND

Children and young people in care are up to four times more likely to have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) compared to those not in care.  Foster carers can learn about the EHCP application process and SEND admissions by watching the videos below.

Admissions for children with an EHCP

Accessible screenings

Did you know that many UK cinemas offer different types of screenings to provide an inclusive environment to ensure those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can access the cinema? This includes audio screenings, Autism friendly screenings and subtitled/captioned screenings.

Picture of a film clapperboard with popcorn

Audio screenings have a voice commentary to describe features such as action, body language, expressions and movements during the film. You can hear this through a pair of headphones. The venue will provide you with special headphones to wear.

These screening are suitable for those who are visually impaired. For more information please visit:

Autism friendly screenings provide an adapted environment that is suitable for children and young people with autism, learning disabilities and cognitive disorders. They adjust lights and sounds to make them more autism friendly. You can pick where to sit and are able to move around during the film. You can usually take your own food and drinks to the cinema too.

For more information visit

Subtitled/captioned screenings have a transcription of the of the dialogue or commentary in films and this includes non-dialogue audio such as “(coughs)”.

These screenings are suitable for those with hearing impairments and can also support literacy, reading and language development for those who speak English as an additional language.

For more information about accessible screenings and to check what is available in your area please visit: