Support for care leavers

Did you know that there is a lot of support that care leavers can access to help them on the next stage of their journey?  The Sutton care leaver offer is a good website for resources and there are many organisations who can offer support, some are listed on Sutton Virtual School care leaver section.

Post 16 options, HE, UCAS and funding for CLA, help with applying for jobs – Cognus    

Young people have to make some very important decisions about their future when they finish school and college. They may wish to continue their education at university or they may want to work or gain qualifications on the job in a traineeship or apprenticeship.  Support and advice is available from Sutton Virtual School at each step to ensure that young people make the best next steps in their future.

If you are going on to do A’ levels or an academic Level 3 course at post 16, consider signing up as a student member to a professional organisation. In the future, you might want to be an Architect, Scientist, Explorer/ Geographer, Artist, Doctor etc. many professional organisations run fascinating events for young people to inspire them into these careers. Sutton Virtual School can support foster carers with any subscription fees, if applicable.