Preventing suspensions and exclusions

Sutton has developed a Local Area Graduated Response for Preventing Exclusions which has been in place since September 2019. The document details aims and principles, as well as a range of interventions and support available, which schools should use to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent exclusion and to and provide early help and support as appropriate.

Front page of rGraduated Response shows a teacher image
Click on the above document to access the Graduated Response to help meet social, emotional and mental health needs and prevent exclusions

An accessible word version of  A Graduated Response For Sutton is also included here.


We want to ensure that the Graduated Response becomes part of everyone’s practice and vocabulary in schools, helping to ensure that Children Looked After and Previously Looked After get the right help and support at the right time. To do this there are a couple of actions that we would ask you to take.

1) Schools, foster carers and social workers – familiarise yourself with the document
2) When planning to support Children Looked After, ensure that help is put in place at the earliest stage, including recognising predictable needs of Children Looked After using the Graduated Response.

For schools that are not in Sutton, we encourage the use of the principles of the Graduated Response, although the range of services available may vary depending on area.