Book a consultation

We run free consultations to offer schools and social workers advice and guidance, to offer support in promoting the education of children with a social worker.

Consultations run:Two 45 minute slots on Thursday mornings at 9:30am and10:30am
(the first three weeks/and fifth where applicable of each month, term time only)
SEND-themed consultations run on the fourth Thursday of every month and there are three sessions available at 9.30am, 10.30am and 11.30am
Who is this for?School staff, including DSLs, DTs and teachers working with CWSW
Social workers and social care practitioners
What’s the format?Fill out a short consultation form to give some context so we can tailor advice around the individual case. Once submitted, we’ll contact you and invitees to book a consultation session.

The consultation will be with:
• a Virtual School adviser
• an Educational Psychologist (EP)
• an Attendance Support Team member where you indicate attendance is a key issue

SEND-themed consultations are run with Donna Spiller, our Virtual School SEND specialist
Notes and recommendations will be circulated, so you have a record and can consider them in relation to the child’s support plan/ CIN or CP plan
To book:Complete the consultation form and contact anyone you ask us to invite, so they know we’ll be in touch
For queries, contact Virtual School Liaison Officer,