Testimonials and Impact

“It had a very positive impact on our school. We send the resources we receive on the training  to all staff. I did a short introduction to the Zones of Regulation last year and from January the whole school, every class uses it. The aim is that every child has access to learn to self-regulate, not just autistic children. We had lots of positive feedback on this. I also did a coffee morning to the parents about the Zones and had similar response. And today we are doing our first ever Autism assembly celebrating World Autism Acceptance Week.”

“I feel the role of Autism Lead and the training has given me quality resources to share with staff and a person for staff to come to for advice and support. The teaching assistants have been given training, as well as teachers, which has empowered them and helped them realise that they have a key role in the support of autistic children in their classes because of the relationships they develop with the children and observations they can make when the teacher is teaching. Overall I think all staff have a better understanding of autism and about how small adjustments can make a huge impact for our autistic pupils.”

“This has helped our school as I am able to pass on information to everyone on a regular basis. I am also using a lot of your work to deliver some staff training in the summer term to everyone, including support staff. The half termly meetings we get are extremely engaging and I have taken a lot away from them.”

”The service is very good, very informative. Professional, inclusive, and friendly delivery. Good amount of useful information and resources.”

“Alex is a great presenter, makes everything really accessible, acknowledges everyone’s contributions. I would like to disseminate lots of the information to my colleagues.”

“This is a great resource sharing opportunity to roll out information to a large number of colleagues.”

“I found it useful having time to meet and discuss specific issues on a professional level and to be able to come away with ideas and strategies that are do-able and relevant. This was my first training session at Cognus and I have come away really impressed. I can already see how to use some of the ideas, have shared ideas with our team, and will take ideas to our next weekly meeting to discuss.”

“It was useful to discuss real life, relevant scenarios, and examples. Links to useful documents and services are helpful.”

“It was a fantastic training session, one of the best I’ve attended. Informative and useful. Thanks Rebecca!”

“I liked learning about a lot of things that I didn’t know were because I’m autistic. It was good having the fiddle tools.”

“It felt like a bit of time and space away from the normal school routine where I didn’t need to focus on complicated topics in maths or other subjects.”

“Liked that it was structured and well planned out. Chatting is not a bad thing but this was more productive.”

“I feel more positive about the week ahead because we looked at positive ways of thinking such as the silver linings exercise which helps you to think of the positives in bad situations.”

“It was useful thinking about a Plan B for travelling alone.”

“It was good having someone to talk to.”

“Recognising how I think – I know how I think but I don’t always know why – today helped on the why which is good.”

“Rebecca’s 1:1 sessions with many students each week, are a time, in which they can explore social situations, experiences they have had, which ultimately guides them in their growing up. The relationship that is built on openness and trust, enables the young person to flourish.  What an incredible job, to help young people feel good about themselves, feel confident, feel ready for the world.”

100% of students asked participated in evaluating the service. All gave the support they received 4* or 5 * and all would recommend the support to other autistic young people.

“100% positive impact. Rebecca is so passionate and knowledgeable, which clearly shows in her work.”

“Young men are empowered to feel proud of who they are and are proud to say part of their identity is autistic. Alex has given parents the tools to support their sons and help them regulate more at home. Alex is excellent at what she does.”

“The session was very detailed. It will have a huge positive impact on our councillors and their awareness of autism.”

“The trainer demonstrated a high level of skill in demonstrating her own hands-on experience. The training was highly effective in terms of sharing practical knowledge and engaging with participants who were successfully encouraged to share their own experiences. A wide range of issues were covered e.g. what changes are made in schools to support those with SEN; do those changes extend to behaviours and what does the law say about reasonable adjustments.  I thought it was excellent.”

“Rebecca has been working with many of our students over 5 years, and the work she completes with them is sensational!  She instils in them a sense of pride, pride that they are wonderful, have many fabulous qualities and characteristics, and pride to be able to share their autism diagnosis with others, be that close family members or even the whole school when delivering the annual SEN assemblies and form times.  Incredible knowledge, care for the kids and clearly loves her job! The list is endless of what Rebecca has supported us here with, but everything she does, she does with the student at the heart, with a passion in her belly to always give her best, and she is for so many students and parents someone who has changed their life!”

“All of it amazing. It was brilliant.”

“It was useful talking to everyone. Openness. Honestly. Content. Looking forward to part 2.”

“The presentation was from an individual lady who herself has a diagnosis of autism.”

“Overall the online workshop was highly informative. Liked the option of being able to ask questions in message thread while the workshop was running. It’s a massive plus that a 1:1 parent call is offered if needed!”

“I thought it a very well-run session that brought so many different factors that I had not considered into my mind.  Of course, no one can be fully prepared as we have to see how each child fares and reacts, but I felt far more ready to face this stage of my son’s development post the workshop.”

“I need more courses!”

“Thank you for sending these helpful links and introducing us my son’s speech and language therapist. Thank you for your kind support and help.”

“The session was amazing, yet again from your team and so valuable for myself.  So please pass on my gratitude.  We are so fortunate in this borough, to have this service.  Especially when we are so in need of this valuable advice.”