MHST Services and Training

Sutton Education Wellbeing Service Menu

View our service menu to see what therapeutic support we offer children, young people and school staff.

Our Services

Our service menu is carefully crafted to cater to the diverse needs of students, educators, and families. Our service ranges from 6 to 8 individual and group therapy sessions, workshops on managing difficult emotions or mental health needs. The MHST provides evidence-based interventions delivered by an eclectic team of mental health practitioners.

Explore our range of services:

Group Therapy: Connect with peers facing similar challenges in a supportive group setting, facilitated by our skilled therapists, offering a space for mutual understanding, growth and ‘reality test’ on specific, shared topics or themes between them.

Workshops for Educators and staff: Engage in informative workshops focused on enhancing mental health awareness, building resilience together and share specific strategies with considerations to each school culture.

Reflective Support for Educators: Collaborate with our team to develop effective mental health initiatives within educational settings, with considerations to well-being of both students and staff.

Parents/Carers Support: Access resources and guidance to support parents/carers in understanding and navigating their child/young person’s mental health journey, by fostering communication and a supportive home environment.

Our Cluster

We work within a mixed cluster of 12 schools in Sutton.

Primary Schools

All Saint Benhilton Church of England Primary School

Harris Junior Academy Carshalton

Manor Park Primary School

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

St. Mary’s Catholic Federation, Carshalton

The Federation of St. Elphege’s Catholic Schools

Victor Seymour Infants’ School

Secondary Schools

Carshalton Boys Sports College

Carshalton High School for Girls

John Fisher School

St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls

Specialist Schools

The Limes College

Current Services and Training

Please click on the images below to read more about our current services and training for parents, children, young people and staff. Details of how to book can be found on the individual posters.

For young people

6 week closed group for students navigating personal challenges, pressures and expectations triggered by exams.

6 sessions tailored to groups of any year group with an emphasis on resilience and social inclusion.

6 sessions providing students an opportunity to develop their life skills and enhance their development.

For parents/carers

A form of therapeutic intervention involving the parent/carer and their child engaging in art-making activities.

Drop in service for any parent or carer who has concerns around mental health, emotional well-being or needs advice.

For parents of year 7 children.

6 sessions course providing information and ideas for engaging with your children.

For school staff

Training for school staff focusing on interactions and conversations around mental health and how staff can help support this.

Staff Reflection Space

30 minute group slot for staff to discuss concerns and/or experience relating to mental health and wellbeing.